Reconnecting leaders with their employees
By Dr. Brian J. Haw. Dr. Haw is Associate Director of Technology at AT&T Mobility Services LLC We are all very aware of the speed in which IT moves and its impact on our lives, our application ecosystems, and specifically our data centers. To keep up, we make adjustments… choosing cheaper suppliers, shortening deadlines, and right sizing the workforce. The life’s blood of our industry is adapt or fail and necessary calculations are made to keep the machine running. In essence we are re-prioritizing what is important for the current environment. But, perhaps, it is time for us to pause and rest our intentions and align them with what our core values should be. The question then comes to pass, what of the workforce? Are the people that work for us agents geared toward meeting metrics or can they be something more? Do they still have a seat at the table for value creation? Our solution is to adapt by fielding a human-centric approach to leadership. We believe the
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